Uber /Lyft Injury

With the increase in rideshare apps, there comes a risk to the convenience, plus many unique insurance complications when accidents happen. Multiple parties, as well as insurance companies, are often involved in disputing a rideshare-related accident.

If you or a loved one has suffered a crash while driving for or riding in an Uber, Lyft, Waymo, Ziro, Gett, Via, Ztrip, Arro, Hitch, Wingz, Flywheel, Curb, Gokid, or other rideshare and carpool-related vehicle, book a free consult with the Win Nguyen Law Firm, home to some of the most experienced rideshare accident attorneys in America!

Common Types of Uber/Lyft Accidents

  • A white car with a large Uber sign on its roof with illuminated headlights driving in an urban area during twilight. The background features blurred city buildings and other cars in traffic.

    Uber Drivers are different:

    Your case is complicated further if your accident involved someone driving for Uber. Cars being driven for Uber are being used for commercial purposes, and therefore aren’t covered by personal car insurance policies, but rather, Uber’s provided insurance (which generally has high coverage limits) for all drivers who are logged in and active on the app.

    For reference, Uber drivers tend to carry at least 1 million worth of liability coverage when carrying a passenger, if certain conditions are fulfilled.

  • A close-up of a person's hands holding a smartphone, using a rideshare app to view a map and select a ride option.

    On the passenger's side:

    Aside from notifying police, you may expect a call from Uber during this time after exiting the vehicle and finding a safe place to stand. Uber will ask questions regarding the circumstances of the accident.

    For Uber passengers that are involved in an accident, there should be few issues with liability, which can make your case easier to settle, particularly cases with only minor injuries and few damages. However, for anyone who is seriously injured or misses time from work due to an Uber consult, it is best to consult an experienced attorney ASAP to ensure you receive proper compensation for your loss.

  • A sign at an airport pickup area indicating 'Lyft, Uber & Wingz, Zone 16,' with cars and people visible in the background near the terminal.

    Uber insurance coverage phases:

    Many Uber drivers assume a lot more risk than they realize, as they just trust that Uber’s provided liability coverage will cover all situations. However, the amount of commercial insurance provided by Uber constantly changes based on the driver’s status in the app:

    App Closed: When the Uber app is closed or not logged in, you are only covered by your own private insurance.

    Phase 1: This is when a driver is logged into the app and waiting for a ride request but hasn’t received one yet. A driver reverts to Phase 1 immediately after a passenger leaves your vehicle. In this phase, Uber only maintains some 3rd-party liability insurance on your vehicle.

    Phase 2: Phase 2 begins once an Uber driver clicks “OK” to accept a ride request. Now, Uber’s 3rd-party liability coverage increases to 1 million. Damage to the vehicle is also covered now with a $1000 deductible.

    Phase 3: Once the passenger is picked up, phase 3 begins, which changes nothing for the driver or their vehicle, but it does extend the liability insurance to the passengers.