FAQs: Bicycle Accidents

Cyclists are especially vulnerable when involved in an accident, as they have minimal protection compared to the metal frame of cars.

Cyclists have the right to share the road with other vehicles, be treated with respect and consideration by others, and seek legal redress for accidents.

If a road hazard (pothole, unmarked construction zone, etc.) caused your accident, the city or other road maintenance entity can be held liable.


Q: My bike was rented. Can I still file a claim?

A: While helmet laws can differ between regions, not wearing one doesn’t necessarily void your claim. However, your compensation may be affected, particularly if head injuries are involved.


Q: The accident aggravated a pre-existing injury. Can I make a claim for that?

A: Yes. An experienced attorney can prove that the accident exacerbated your injury, making you eligible for compensation despite pre-existing conditions.


Q: I didn’t wear a helmet. Can I still file a claim?

A: Renting or sharing a bicycle does not waive your rights to seek compensation in the event of injury. However, other parties such as the rental or sharing service may need to be involved, especially if equipment malfunction played a role in the accident. It’s important to report the collision to the service company and contact a lawyer to help guide you through cases with such complications.


Q: How do I find an experienced lawyer to help me?

A: Click below to get in touch with the attorneys of Win Nguyen Law Firm and schedule a comprehensive, free consultation now!

Bicycle accidents can result in difficult circumstances for you and your loved ones. Rest assured, at Win Nguyen Law Firm, our specialized accident lawyers can ensure that justice is served!


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